Beppu, Japan
Beppu is a popular hot springs resort town hugging Beppu Bay. Due to its unique topographic features of a fan, it is surrounded by heavily-wooded mountains. It is a quaint and peaceful town of fresh air and soft waves. Eight hot springs regions called 8 Beppu Hot Springs form the Beppu downtown.
Major exchanges
- Date of sisterhood establishment: October 1, 1984
- Location: Central part of Oita Prefecture in the northeast of Kyushu
- Population: 116,000
- Area: 125㎢
- Average temperature: 15.5℃
- Administrative districts: 145 councils’ in 17 districts
- Educational facilities: 32 schools (4 universities, 4 high schools, 9 middle schools, 15 elementary schools)
- Key industry: Tourism (annual number of visitors: 8.16 million)
- Industrial structure: Primary industry (1.2%), secondary industry (13.8%), tertiary industry (80.0%)
- Specialty products: Bamboo crafts, shiitake mushroom, blowfish dishes
Exchange of employees: 6 employees (4 from Mokpo, 2 from Beppu)
- Beppu → Mokpo City: July 1993 (one person for one year), July 1994 (one person for one year)
- Mokpo City → Beppu: April 1994 (2 persons for 6 months), September 1995 (one person for one year), March 2007 (one person for two year)
Sisterhood relationship
- August 1985: Mokpo JCI ⇔ Beppu JCI
- January 1995: Mokpo Boy Scouts ⇔ Beppu Boy Scouts
Major exchanges
- (1984) Concluded sisterhood agreement between Mokpo and Beppu
- (1985) Beppu Girls and Boys Delegation visited Mokpo (Mayor of Beppu and others)
- (1990) Hosted Mokpo Youth Drawing Exhibition (Beppu)
- (1999) Beppu Delegation participated in the 37th Mokpo Citizens Day
- (2000) Mutual visit by both cities for exchange between JCIs
- (2008) Mokpo Boy and Girls chorus performed in Beppu
- (2009) Beppu Delegation operated booth at Mokpo Yudalsan Flower Festival
- (2010) Hosted ceremony for commemorating 25 years of international sister city and concluded friendship consolidation agreement
- (2011) Art company and special group visited Beppu for promotion of international exchanges
- (2012 - 2016) Hosted youth sports competition between the two cities
- (2013 - 2016) Mokpo Athletics Federations participated in the Beppu City Marathon
- (2014) Hosted event for commemorating 30 years of sisterhood between Mokpo and Beppu /Dongmyeong-dong pungmul band participated in Beppu City Agriculture and Fisheries Festival
- (2015) Mokpo City council training group visited Beppu
- (2015 - 2016) Beppu Delegation participated in celebratory event for Mokpo Citizens Day